Discrimination / Employment Practices – Are You Protected?
Are you protected?
Do you have an EPLI / Discrimination Policy? – IF NOT – your business insurance and Work Comp DO NOT cover ANY of the above!
If you do have an EPLI policy – WHAT does it cover? for how much? The coverage for these policies VARIES WIDELY – some are very comprehensive and some provide VERY LIMITED protection. KNOW what you have: – KEY questions to ask:
- Does your policy cover “Third Party”? ( customers, vendors, etc.)
- Does your policy cover “WAGE & HOUR” Violations?
- Does it protect you against Immigration (ICE) investigations?
- How much coverage? – is it $50,000 or $2,000,000? – this is generally EXCLUDED from your commercial Umbrella!
- Do you have protection for “Prior Acts?”? if so – how far back?
- What is your deductible / participation rate? (I have seen “covered claims” cost insured over $100,000 out of pocket)
The key here is to KNOW what your exposure is before an unexpected accusation (you DO NOT have to be guilty of anything for this to cost you a fortune) ruins your company.
Give us a call @ – 1-888-945-1495 Ext 101 or contact us.
Categories: Discrimination/Employment Practices Liability