What should you spend your “Economic Impact” check on?
OK – So millions are stating to receive the Economic Impact Payments
What should you do with it? and WHY?
First: Take care of your family – Rent, Mortgage, Food, Medicine. None of us really knows what’s coming in the next weeks and months – so be prepared.
DO: Support local businesses – Get your car fixed, replace tires if needed, have the “check Engine light” looked at – Reliable transportation is critical in uncertain times. Shop at local Farmers Markets, get take out at local restaurants, do whatever business with local small businesses as you can. WHY? Because, you are supporting local families who need our help – it keeps the cash in our neighborhoods and keeps our local governments funded with taxes at a time when they are at risk of going under as well. We need this stimulus money to stay circulating in our local economies – it helps all of us.
Walmart and Costco (while I like them both): DO NOT NEED our help – they are making a fortune on this disaster. Use your Local Restaurants, Dry Cleaners, any local business is better than shopping on Amazon for products sourced from other countries – It’s important for us all to keep these dollars circulating here in our own cities, towns, and states.
DO NOT: PLEASE do not spend this on AMAZON for something you do not need that likely is coming from China. Amazon does not need any help – they too are making a fortune during this crisis. And, as the evidence begins to mount that this Pandemic started at a Chinese Government LAB in Wuhan (see reports from CNN https://us.cnn.com/2020/04/15/politics/us-intelligence-virus-started-chinese-lab/index.html, FOX https://www.foxnews.com/politics/coronavirus-wuhan-lab-china-compete-us-sources). We do not need to be sending our scarce resources to China, where the dollars do us no good at all. We need to all do some serious self reflecting and do what we can to support each other – American families, and American Jobs.
Categories: COVID-19