Home » Are there “Safe” Investments today, as the markets race downward?
March 9, 2020

Are there “Safe” Investments today, as the markets race downward?

As the Markets ( The Dow, S&P 500 etc) continue to drop as the world grapples with the Corona Virus and it’s economic implications,  – Are there SAFE harbors for some of your investment dollars? A place where you can GUARANTEE the safety of your principal and still reap some of the  the gains of the recovery when it happens?

YES – Fixed Indexed Annuities can do that and much more

  • Guaranteed to NEVER lose value of your principal.
  • Grow Tax Deferred.
  • Give you access to penalty free withdrawals.
  • Have interest applied based on stock market performance of indexes you choose – with no risk of negative returns.
  • If you choose – provide you with a fixed lifetime income and guaranteed growth – no matter how long you live.
  • These can be a great alternative or counterpart to T-Bills and Bonds

 Interested? If so – simply send us a request for information at:


And we will send you a free – no obligation E-brochure that explains this product in easy to understand terms 

( we have MANY options to choose from so we can make sure we find the product that best fits your needs)

or, if you have questions, and would like to talk, call Mike @ 1-888-945-1495 Ext 101


Categories: COVID-19

Tags: #bondalternative, #coronavirus, #FIA, #guaranteedincome, #guaranteedprincipal, #safeInvestment, #T-Bill Alternative

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