Help us save the lives of a family
If you could literally help save the lives of a young family at NO COST to you – would you?
(this is not a picture the actual family for reasons you will understand as we read on)
You Can!
This Blog post has nothing to do with insurance, our Agency (www.iseinsurance.com ), or promoting business in any way – we simply want to share a tragic story and a simple, no cost way you can help.
Why? – There is a young mother and her children in Kenya that are literally running for their lives and are being supported by the Sterling Hammack Foundation. – (a 501c charity) – Please read the post below that Paula Hammack provided on the current situation. (Paula is the head of the foundation and the CEO of Professional Insurance Associates Inc)
“This is another family in Kenya I have chosen to take care of and for good reason.
I first met this lady and her five children when she was living in a tin garden shack with no bedding. no space, no windows and miles to walk for water and more miles for firewood so she could boil the water. She had fled from her abusive alcoholic husband. He turned up at her location when my Foundation paid for school fees and uniforms for her children and mattresses to put on the floor for them to sleep on, and again threatened them.
With Mustafa we arranged to talk to the tribal Chief who in turn ordered them to move 400 kilometers away to live with the mother of the abusive husband. That has not worked out as much as the mother tried.
This awful man sleeps with a machete under his sheet and his wife has never experienced “kind” intimacy- he holds the machete to her throat each time and basically rapes her (most marriages in Kenya are arranged so this was never a love match to start with) and as you will see she now has five children and he has even threatened them.
In fear for her life she again fled and has gone back to Nairobi but we are keeping her location secret as he’s likely to kill her or the kids if he finds them. She has no income, nowhere to live, no food, and the six of them fled with only the clothes on their backs.
My Foundation has sent money to Mustafa to provide shelter, bedding. school clothes, school books, and ·just coz· a small toy for each of the children as they have suffered tremendously. Mustafa will also provide enough food for them each month. He will help the mother to get them into school. The oldest girl is 13 and there are 3 girls and two boys in the family, the other four all younger than AnneMarie.
I have told Mustafa to find a small apartment in a safe area where the father will not think to look for them, and when settled the mother is going to try and find a job as a maid with one of the wealthy families in Nairobi. But that might or might not happen, so our Foundation will continue to try and give this family a better life.
I had sworn not to take on any more people in need, but I knew this lady before and I know her story and it is horrendous. Until the father actually does something that he can go to jail for, he will continue to be a threat to his wife and children.”
This horrible story is playing out right now…
How You Can Help! – Amazon has a simple program where if you log into https://smile.amazon.com when you order from AMAZON – they will donate .5% of the purchase price to your selected charity – Prime, free shipping, the prices & sales are all exactly the same – the website is identical – the ONLY difference is the Charity gets 1/2 of 1% ( that’s 50 cents per $100 – but if you do this and share it ALOT – together we can make an impact) All you have to do when you shop Amazon is go to https://smile.amazon.com (save it in your browser) select the Sterling Hammack Foundation (and save the settings) and that’s it. 1/2 of 1% of your purchases will be sent by Amazon to the charity – Will you take 5 minutes to set this up to save lives?
Who? – Amazon – We all know them, and use them – this is a legitimate program they offer to many charities
Sterling Hammack Foundation – it’s on Amazon. Check them out at www.hammackfoundation.org This is a 501C charity founded and run by the Hammack Family – Paula Hammack is the CEO of Professional Insurance Associates Inc (one of the largest independent insurance agencies in CA – www.piainc.com) and she also is the head and driving force of the charity – They have ZERO Administrative Expenses – ZERO – the Family pays all travel and admin expenses out of pocket – ALL the money raised goes to help people in need. I have personally worked with the Hammack family professionally for over 7 years and can personally vouch that they set the HIGHEST bar for ethics. – This foundation is 100% about helping others – there are no fundraising, travel, or salary expenses. If you want your money to actually be put to good use – and not paid to a telemarketer – this is a great place to give
Thank you for taking the time to read this – Now, like – share and shop – with no money out of pocket, and almost zero effort – you can make a difference – so do it.
Mike Vanlue
Categories: Agency