Home » The Fine Print Matters
June 23, 2016

The Fine Print Matters

When was the last time you ACTUALLY READ – Not skimmed, your insurance policy?

Business or personal – it’s loaded with legalese and fine print – that the insurance company wrote – for YOUR benefit? – not likely…

Insurance policies are complicated contracts with loads of exclusions and limitations.  “Business Income”  is it 6, 12,18, or 24 months? The difference might be whether or not you reopen after a loss. Are signs covered? Fences? Pollution? – how much? Discrimination?  Wage & Hour Violations?  Is property away from your location / in transit covered? If so, how much?   What about theft of money?  Employee Dishonesty?  What’s the limit on your homeowners policy for jewelry? Firearms?

Let’s be honest – in all likelihood,  you did not know the answer to any of these!  Am I right?  This is just a small list of very important coverages – spend time with an EXPERIENCED professional agent – ASK questions, review your WHOLE policy with them at least once a year – because what you don’t know may just hurt you…

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