Home » Pokemon Go: Is Pikachu covered?
July 24, 2016

Pokemon Go: Is Pikachu covered?

Pokemon Go:  Is Pikachu covered?

Good question.  The answer is – maybe / Sort of?

Auto Insurance – You are driving along hunting these mystical creatures and rear end a police car – Your Auto  Liability will cover the damage to the police car and the officers injuries (up to your limits) – and it will cover damage to your car IF you have collision coverage (less your deductible) – But it WON”T cover the ticket I am certain you will get.

Home Insurance:
 If you are hunting in the dark of night in – oh, lets say a… not nice part of town, and you are robbed of your phone and wallet / purse?  Your Homeowners  / Renters policy will cover the theft – however, those items are likely to be less than your deductible ( and you most likely don’t want to file a claim for something this small anyway ( if you want to know why – call me….)

Medical Insurance:  when you are staring at the screen and walk into traffic and dent the hood of that Camry – your medical policy WILL cover your medical expenses  less your deductible and co pays – ( they don’t exclude …. you fill in the blank) BUT,  Your medical won’t cover your lost wages while you are in the hospital – and the guy that hit you is unlikely to have to pay since you walked into him…

Bottom Line:  Have fun – but be careful, pay attention. and obey the laws – while augmented reality creatures are way cool – they might also have some IRL consequences

Categories: Blog

Tags: Auto insurance, Home Insurance

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